I need to pay my bill or update my credit card Print

  • 807

If you need to pay your bill, pay an outstanding invoice and/or update your credit card here are easy to follow instructions:


First you must login to your account at www.adtastic.info. Your login is your email address. If you have forgotten your password, there is a password recovery feature when you go to the login page.


Once you are logged in to your account you will see your client area. From there, it is very easy to pay an invoice. Scrolling down the page you will see a section for an outstanding invoices. Selecting an outstanding invoice then clicking the 'pay now" button weill bring you to the payment screen. There you can use an existing credit card on file or use a new card.


If you need to upadte a credit card on file, once you are logged into your account and in your cleint area you will see some navigation links at the top of your cient area. One of them is for "My Details" Clicking "My Details" reveals some additinal links. One of those is "Change Credit Card Details". Clicking it reveals the page whereby you can securely enter and save your new credit card details.

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