What makes a premium domain name? Print

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There are many factors that can make a premium domain name.

One of course, is sheer popularity of the word or phrase.

Some of the biggest factors that make a premium domain name are the number of letters. For example, virtually all "single word" domain names are considered premium. Domain names with 6-8 or less letters are considered premium. The less the number of letters, the more valuable it usually is.

Phrases that are well searched make premium domain names by virtue of the search traffic. These sites can be built out and capitalize upon the large volume of search traffic and then "monetized" for income. For example, in our portfolio of domain names for sale we have "greenmarketing.me". Green Marketing receives over 18,000 monthly searches just in Google. If this was your company name, this would be a valuable domain name or if you were in the business of marketing "green" or environmentally related products this could be huge. We have "drywallandplaster.com" and "drywall receives over 1.2 million monthly searches in Google and "plaster" receives over 400,000 monthly searches. If you were in the drywall and plaster business this could be huge for you. These are just a few examples of how terms can be considered as premium domain names.

Anything that would be considered popular, commercial, easily typed or remembered might be considered to be a Premium Domain name. And of course, mcuh of it might be up to speculation, need, whim or many other factors. If the domain name perfectly fits what you do, want to say or the products or services you offer, then it is likely a Premium domain name, if even just to you and your customers.

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