Why should I do the Champion Marketing Program? Print

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Basically, this is a comprehensive search marketing program. Site success comes from search engine traffic. In order to get this traffic you need to consistently rank in the top ten on major search engines for keywords and phrases that are relevant to your success.
When we do site design we help our clients considerably with this right out of the gate. We perform a lot of what we might call "best practices" at the onset of developing their sites and this helps them to rank on a lot of keywords and phrases to sort of jumpstart them. Most webmasters don't really do this probably dont really have the talent or they would.
Beyond that a site has to do alot more. Traditionally speaking, a website is like a river. If it isn't in constant movement it gets stagnant. Websites that are constantly undergoing improvements get the most play in search engines, to an extent.
But even then, how do you increase your traffic? You need a lot of traffic in order to make money. You need probably at least 2,000 or more unique visitors every month for a store like yours just to get enough traffic that the percentages will pay off with enough business for it to all seem worthwhile. You also need a two-way mirror into that traffic to find ways to convert the traffic to sales if they are not responding.

For example,we have a hosting client with a webstore had 584 unique visitors in the month of March and only one sale. Why is that? What were they looking for? Why didn't they purchase something? At least 1 to 2% of the traffic probably should have converted and that would have been 5 to 10 sales.
Well, we don't know the answers to the questions and I am certain they don't either. We can surmise but we really need to collect the data from the server logs (web analytics) and then analyze it. Eventually we should get a picture of what is going on and why. We make adjustments, we measure, we monitor and over time a picture emerges and success begins as we make the necessary improvements. So that is one aspect of how to be successful on the internet and what is required.
The other aspect is how do you get the traffic? Well, it comes form the search engines. You need to rank on the first page every which way for the keywords and phrases relevant to your business/products. And equally important you need to rank on the relevant keywords and phrases people are actually typing into the search engine. It does no good to be number one on a keyword related to your product if no one searches it.
For example, lets take the keywords ayala bar. We have some nifty tools we use. One of them will show how many people searched for that last month in google and this is verifable information provided directly from google. Well when we input ayala bar, it says "not enough data". So probably not alot of people searched it. But we find out that 1,000 people searched for ayala bar jewelry. 1,300 searched for ayala bar earrings. But even better, 6,600 searched for star of david jewelry, 201,000 for silver jewelry, 18,100 for artisan jewelry, 4,400 for israeli jewelry and so forth. See how that works? If I was trying to rank for ayala bar becuase i sold her jewelry in my webstore that probably wouldnt get me alot of traffic or results. But if I devised methods to rank for some of those other terms I probably would get quite a bit of traffic if I could make it to the first page.
This is a condensed explanation of how search marketing works. Actually, technically speaking, there is much more to it than this. We have clients that pay us big money for really aggressive search marketing programs and they get their moneys worth, considering that our rates are generally much lower than our competitors which charge from $120 to $1000 per hour and our results are as good or better. Being on the first page of google is where the business is and thats a big business so people that know how to achieve it are worth their weight in gold.
But Adtasitc Hosting has been built around helping small businesses succeed on the internet. Yes it takes time and yes it takes investment but small business cannot afford the rates search marketers charge. We believe they do deserve as much of an equal chance though of success and our business was built around that philosophy. You might say it is our niche. Yes we end up working as hard or harder for less money than that guy charging $150 an hour but we feel good about it.
And so that is what the Champion Marketing Program is about. It is about giving a small business a fighting chance for success. It is about taking the very best practices employed by the most successful Internet businesses and applying them. Yes it is only a portion of those practices. Yes it takes longer and is slower but at least it is something of value happening each month to move the website forward. But that is because it is only $150 a month versus $1000 a month and there is only so much we can do for that, only so much time we can spend. But a little bit of something is inevitably more fruitful than a whole lot of nothing.
What is the net result? Will you make more sales, make more money. Don't know, can't say. We promise to lead the horse to water, you have to make them drink. The net result is we will double or triple your relevant incoming unique traffic. In most cases that is exrtremely conservative as the average is 400% increase in traffic. We promise that there will be a huge increase of top ten ranking in major search engines on keywords and phrases that are relevant to your success as a business. That's what the program is about and that is what we warrant from being on it for one year. Those are the two ingredients any Internet business must have to have a fighting chance and that is what we offer. Without them, you might as well be treading water. With them you will have something to build upon and perhaps something worth fighting for.

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