If you don't believe Adtastic Hosting hosting is every bit as good -- and often better -- as that of a hosting-only company...
You should ask the guys who run our hosting operation.
Adtastic Hosting provides world-class hosting every bit as good – and often better – than that which a hosting-only company might offer.
We take pride in our operations being superior. In fact, because unlike many competitors, we own, operate and support the hosting services we provide, down to the very last cable and disk.
Bottom line: You'll be just as satisfied with our hosting as you are with our domain registrations, our Internet marketing services, our search engine marketing programs -in fact all of the services we provide. You'll get fast, dependable hosting, superior customer support and fair prices. Still not sure about our hosting? Scan through the specs below and we're sure you'll agree.
If you're not technically inclined to understand any of the above we can certainly understand. The point is- your site is hosted on a super fast and very high quality system. Thus when we say low cost hosting- we don't mean inferior quality. We mean a very high quality and fast hosting system that uses economies of scale to create considerable savings to its individual customers. That's good business and Adtastic Hosting is the Champion of the Small Business!