Seems everyone has a blog these days. Adtastic has toyed with having a blog but simply keeps so busy that in there just never seemed to be enough time. Oh, we've actually started a couple over the years and they are still floating around on the Internet but were never really maintained.
Until now. We now have a new blog that will have a much greater chance of being updatedo n a regular basis. Simply because it is connected directly to our email so all we have to do is send it an email to have the post inserted and updated! This should make it easier to post to on a regular basis without having to remember to login to it all the time.
The good thing about a blog is it is often a great source of general information about a particular field without a lot of sales hype. We intend to use ours to provide tips and techniques about doing what we do best which is hosting, building a successful website, getting to the top of major search engines, and all of the things associated with making a website successful. And it is also a good place for you, our customers and visitors to have a general conversation with us about these very things and ask your questions.
So look for our new Adtastic Hosting Blog at Hope to see you there!